"unique perspective on the intricacies of the foot"
Dr Mark Ould is a highly experienced, specialist Crime Scene Impression Consultant and Forensic Podiatry Subject Matter Expert, based in Australia.
Having consulted with more than 100,000 patients over 30 years, Dr Ould has a comprehensive understanding of human biomechanics and the human gait cycle, the pathophysiology of foot deformities, and how the combination of these factors may affect impressions left at crime scenes. His vast knowledge and experience allow for a unique perspective on the intricacies of the foot that is required when undertaking comparative analysis of barefoot and footwear impressions.
Furthering his qualifications in 2006, Dr Ould travelled to the United States to complete studies in the Advanced Examination and Comparison of Footwear Evidence, a course approved by the Footwear Certification Board of the International Association for Identification. As avenues for analysis and comparison of crime scene impressions have evolved in the 17 years that Dr Ould first completed his studies, in 2023 he made the decision to not only revise, but renew his qualifications. The training that Dr Ould has undertaken allows him to analyse, compare, and provide expert advice on impression evidence identified at crime scenes, and act as an expert witness and crime scene impression consultant.
For many years Dr Ould has provided expert advice with regards to barefoot and footwear impressions to the Western Australian Police Service, Prosecution Lawyers, and Defence Lawyers.
Dr Ould is an experienced lecturer and has spoken at numerous conferences:
Western Australian Police Service (lecturer)
WA State Detectives Conference (speaker)
Australian Podiatry Association presentations – WA, SA, NSW, Vic & Qld (speaker)
Singapore Podiatry Conference (speaker)
East Coast Podiatry, Singapore (lecturer)
Recognised as a professional and accomplished business executive with deep domain expertise, Dr Ould is able to build strong relationships and collaborate with others to exert influence and achieve the best possible outcome for all stakeholders.
In 2017 Dr Ould’s private podiatry practice was recognised as the ‘Business of the Year’ at the Rockingham-Kwinana Chamber of Commerce Regional Business Awards. At the same event he was named as a finalist in the category ‘Business Person of the Year’.